HERMANN ZERVER The professional hand tool market leader supplies automotive shops worldwide and has been the savior for several major automobile manufacturers at times when specialty tools were needed on short notice.
Remscheid. Automobile manufacturers must take all into consideration during the birth of a new model: racy design, technical finesse, hip marketing campaigns, and more.
Then somewhere down the line, comes the point at which automobile mechanics must come into play, as any new car will eventually need to be repaired. In many cases, this is Hazet’s finest hour, as many turns to this Remscheid-based hand tool specialist to outfit mechanics with the appropriate tools. For example: a technician suddenly notices that he will not be able to reach an integral bolt with his standard ratchet in the newest model, Hazet will then design a ratchet that is suitable for this model.
In addition to technical know-how, speed, and flexibility, secrecy and discretion are among the most important qualities that the experts in Remscheid bring to the table. “The manufacturers call us with the problems that they encounter at the start of the production of a new model,” says Klaus Fikert. “Bad reviews in Auto Test magazine or from the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club could be a worst-case scenario for any automobile manufacturer.”
Major automobile manufacturers work in cooperation with the experts at Hazet to address potential problems as quickly as possible and to draw up concepts for the necessary specialty tools within a few days. When things need to move exceptionally quickly, Hazet is able to provide the tools within a few weeks. This allows automobile manufacturers to equip their licensed garages with the appropriate tools just in time for the introduction of a new series or model.
“Hazet is the top brand in German car repair shops,” says Marketing Director Carsten Scholz. Recently, the annual volume of sales has totaled nearly 80 million Euro. The company employs 500 people, 350 of whom work at the two facilities in Remscheid. The others work at the flat-forging and sheet metal production facility, located in the area neighboring the train station at Güldenwerth.
From here Hazet markets itself internationally and acts as a supplier to a number of car manufacturers that then distribute hand tools “Made in Remscheid” to their signature workshops. Around 300 different tools are included in the basic workshop equipment. The Hazet catalog lists tools for almost every conceivable car brand and model.
In doing so, the company is often faced with meeting contradictory requirements for competing clients. As models become smaller and more compact, the need for specialty tools continues to grow. Conversely, a recent trend has been going toward the possibility of implementing a uniform tool kit. “In the past, one had to take a car to be inspected for the first time after 5,000 kilometers,” clarifies Klaus Fickert. “Today one can drive over 30,000 kilometers before going in. Given that customers visit the shop less frequently, the workshop can’t afford to spend money on specialty tools for every model.”
Some 15 employees work in Hazet’s development department. One of their most recent projects involves the development of tools for electric and hybrid automobiles. “High voltage technology can be life-threatening to people,” emphasizes Klaus Fickert. The tools must be appropriately protected from high voltage currents. “We still need to brainstorm correctly for the future, as the industry is expected to grow over the next few years.”
This year will mark Hazet’s 145 years in business. The company is older than the automobile industry itself and has made notable contributions to the advancement of specialty automotive hand tools since the birth of the car. Some Hazet products have even endured iconic episodes from hand tool history, such as the vintage toolsets from the original VW Beetles. Most major automobile manufacturers have given up on vehicle-specific toolsets, largely due to high costs and a desire to minimize the weight of their products. Another factor involved in technological advancement. Today people tend to rely on computer diagnostics, executed by a trained specialist, rather than having a layman tinker around with hand tools.
Nevertheless, Hazet continues to play an important role in the new car sector. On one side, Hazetdevelops the necessary specialty tools for their newest models. On the other, some of the largest automobile manufacturers have also started to incorporate Hazet tool trolleys into their assembly lines.
Hazet in the USA
In the United States, Anglo American Tools acts as the sales representative and exclusive distributor of the Hazet line. Over the past forty years, Anglo American has successfully introduced multiple German hand tool lines to the American marketplace. For more information on Hazet torque wrenches, tool trolleys, and a multitude of other specialty automotive tools, visit the Hazet page on our website or contact us by phone (856-784-8600) or by email ([email protected]).